Entries by Chris Reid

Avoid this one FATAL retrirement income flaw.

In 10 years of helping people successfuly retire, I have found there are two distrinct phases an investor goes through when planning for retirement.  As a fudiciary financial planner there is definately one phase that is more stressfull for me, annd my clients. Clients go through the accumulation phase.  Go to work, get a 401k, save […]

High Income Earners, the TRUTH about Roth accounts

I work with a lot of high-income earners.  Near Seattle we have Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Meta, and a host of other high tech, high paying companies. When doing financial planning for high income earners, once I create tax efficiency in their current investments and retirement assets we can personally invest, I help them with […]

Why I disagree with this “rule of thumb” from Fidelity.

I’ll keep this short. One thing I have seen ruin #investment plans over and over is relying on a “rule of thumb” when it comes to financial planning. Here are some of the most common: 1️⃣ The market always comes back 2️⃣ The market will make X% per year 3️⃣ In the video below I […]

What are you doing to protect your financial plan from this big threat?

I get a little “tin-foil hat” sometimes. BLUF (bottom line up front) If you aren’t, AGGRESSIVELY, creating TAX FREE wealth, you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain. No. Roth is not enough. People often see the threats to their retirement investing through an entirely market driven lens. – Inflation 📈 – Volatility […]

The secret to MAXIMIZING your retirement income.

Two of the most common questions I get when it comes to financial planning is… When can I retire, and how much income will I have in retirement? The honest answer to those questions is…it depends. There is really two components to figuring out the answers to these questions. 1️⃣How much money will you have? […]

5 ways and investment manager can add to your bottom line.

When thinking about how a fiduciary can help you in your life a lot of people think it is about money. While we do have a rule here at my firm, namely, our clients do better with us than without us, at the end of the day every client tells me it is the peace of […]

!!!High income earners with large stock grants reduce your #taxes!!!

ATTN: High income earners with large stock grants. One strategy to reduce your overall taxes ⏬ and avoid concentration risk is tax loss harvesting. I did a portfolio review with a client who works at a local tech company who wanted help balancing 🧘‍♂️ his portfolio. He was in the following position: 1️⃣ Annual income: […]

How much does a financial advisor cost is the wrong question.

How much is a financial worth is a better question to ask. I just helped a client with his retirement from King County. Great guy, a DIY investor, and at the end, when it was time to move his money, he kind of sighed and said “man, this is going to cost me $10,000 per […]